Writing, Marketing, & Editing for Health, Seniors, Tech, & Biz
“Turning your complex content into what's truly compelling”©
Great Ghostwriter Grabs Sales!
Look, it’s an eBook! It’s a case study! It’s a blog!
You name the health/senior/tech communications custom content project and I'll make it readable for B2B and B2C (trade and consumer markets). And YOU get the credit.
Sample Successes
Raised one company's news readership (seniors & families) from 1.5 to 3 million in about 16 months
One of first reporters launching CBS' first consumer site
Changed one title and saved, then wrote, NY Times special section
Conceptualized then wrote burgeoning company's first-ever health trade white paper
PR storyteller who placed NY MacUsers Group on CNBC, NY Times, et al...with almost no budget
Who's your audience?
Patients and other consumers
Health professionals
IT and other tech
Growing senior market
The media
The rest of the world? (Well, not quite...but close!) Read on, then hit Contact Wendy below or check Get Acquainted (under Teaching) for specific classes.

Wendy J. Meyeroff, President
Award-winning print and online
health/tech reporter, ghostwriter
and marketing consultant for 20+ yrs.

B2B Health Audience
Writing for the B2B Health Professionals is where l started. That includes not only the MDs, but RNs, PhDs and other clinical initials.
I also help reach other abbreviations: e.g., CEO, CFO, CMO, IT...list continues. Allergan, Sonosite, Cigna and Philips Healthcare are just a few of my collaborators (as we call true teamwork) in this professional market
Patient & Consumer Health
Most "medical" writers cannot work in lay language...I call it "consumer-speak."
It's helped CBS launch a health website, get Woman's Day magazine a reprint request from Johns Hopkins and Erickson Retirement Communities win print AND web awards for reaching the growing 55+ market.

General Business
Understanding solid research and being able to hold interviews in health created my STEM writing and marketing consultancy.
Among the clients (U.S. and abroad): Pirelli Engineering (N.A.); BASF Chemical, Zerex Automotive, Revlon, et al.