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Here's how I can help you:


  • Different classes you'd like to take (or offer to your team)

  • You'll receive free emails, news, and other tools to provide objective marketing insights

  • You'll be in line for my new eBooks


Here are a few of my popular classes. Some I've taught in-house, but mostly they've been online. Indeed ALL can be taught online:


  • Plain Language Levels: It's not as easy as you may think

  • Explaining Medical Mumbo-Jumbo: Same as Plain Language, but focusing specifically on patient (and general consumer) education

  • Beyond BOOOOks: Other areas of ghostwriting

  • Public relations: The too often-overlooked marketing tool

  • Don't Forget Radio!: Keys to getting yourself successfully on air. (Podcasts apply too.)


Just sign in with the form to the right. If you have a specific class in mind, just let me know which one in the third entry line you see. Or just leave it blank. We'll still connect!


Also check the Book Our Services link. 

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